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Writer's picturePriscilla Shumba

Time Management System For People Who Want To Love Their Life While Building A Business

Building a business is hard!

Life coach Liz Wolfe, said it well:

"Being an entrepreneur is the BEST personal development program in the world."

I have experienced the full spectrum of emotions—fear, doubt, insecurity, great successes, and plenty of sit down and wonder why I'm doing this again moments.

Just being real.

It's a roller coaster!

Which is exactly why having a time management system that creates routine and replenishing habits is critical!

I believe that you must create your own "I'm taking in more oxygen for later" rituals.

When we care for ourselves proactively, we put guard rails that keep us in an "I'm loving my life" state.

Consider this your path to the top 1% in your industry.

In my opinion, a winning day is built on three critical components. Let's break them down to understand how they can contribute to your success.

If you have these three times blocked out in your schedule every single day, you're taking care of your intellectual (IP), spiritual (mind and heart), and physical (happy hormones) needs.

Increase The Value Of Your Intellectual Property

Neglecting the need to update your knowledge and continually improve yourself will result in losing your foot in the marketplace.

Be Warned! You will not have a business in the long term.

The standard of service and client's expectations are increasing so fast that what was once industry-specific knowledge will soon become general knowledge.

For example, there was a time when most people visited their doctor with no information at hand. Most of us placed all our trust and faith in the medical professional, who had access to knowledge that we did not have or understand. Right? Today, all the information is available online with a click of a finger. We visit our medical service provider armed with information and targeted questions AND we still expect them to be superior in knowledge, experience, and wisdom.

This is the same for any industry. If you're a coach, your clients expect that you possess what they cannot find on YouTube. There must be a superior benefit for which they are willing to pay.

One has to be intentional to become the top 1% in their industry.

"Go to bed more brilliant in your zone of genius than when you woke up. "

Sharpening your skillset

  • Have a daily practice of studying the work of the most influential person in your industry. I am purposelly using the word Study! Don't just read their research. Study it. Understand why and how they came up with their intellectual property, frameworks, etc.

  • Have a montly practice of aquiring a new skill that will help you deliver more value in your zone of genius. Be strategic!

    WARNING! Do not take up formal education programs for the sake of having a long list of accreditations. The world we are moving into, doesn't care about more information, it cares about MASTERY.

This is the key to skyrocketing your value in the marketplace.

Talent is enough to get started but not enough to create a fortune.

If you feel you're underpaid and overworked, get SO GOOD that people beg to work with you and throw money at you.

"Do you see a man skillful in his work?

He will stand before kings;

he will not stand before obscure men."

This small daily habit will compound to creating the future you envision.

Make Love, Joy, & Peace Your Default Mode.

Taking care of your spiritual life is like watering the garden from which your life is rooted and grows.

It's easy to skip our morning prayers and Bible study. After all, we're rushing to meet what appear to be more urgent needs because we can see, feel, hear, and taste them.

As Christian entrepreneurs, we must be diligent in this area of our lives.

"We are spiritual beings having a human experience." ~ ~Anonymous.

Our life Source is Spirit. We know this because when we run around being doers and not taking the time to nourish our spiritual life not only do we get tired, but all of sudden there's no joy, no peace, ....


"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." ~ Galatians 5 : 22 - 23

How can our garden have fruit when we keep forgetting to water it or saying we'll get to it tomorrow?

A little observation, the things that seem urgent never are. The important things never seem to be urgent. This is one of the reasons I love the Eisenhower Matrix for daily planning.

Nourishing Your Soul (Mind & Heart)

  • Find a devotional that provides a daily scripture and explanation. This makes it really simple to follow, without figuring out what to read every day. I personally love the You Version Bible App and Biblegateway but there are hundreds of them if you search in your mobile app store.

  • Join a Bible Study group where you go deeper into the Word with a group of people. This is an excellent way to fellowship and to create accountability for yourself. It can be in-person or online depending on what suits your routine. I personally love WealthyKingdom for online, and KYB Bible Study for in person but there are plenty you may find through local churches and online groups.

May you prosper even as your soul prospers.

Get Moving For More Energy

You don't have to become a gym buff (unless you want to), but moving our bodies daily creates more energy and releases endorphins (happy hormones).

There are many things outside our control, but for the little bits we can control in our favour, let's give a solid try.

I don't think we need more time, but rather, we need more energy to do things excellently.

Simple Healthy Habits

  • Be mindful of foods that have very little nutrition and lots of calories. I don't know about you, but I never feel good after eating a lot of fried food and sugar.

  • Taking a walk for 30 minutes every day.

  • Shifting between standing and sitting while working instead of sitting for 8 or more hours daily.

  • If you want to make it fun, join a sport. Network, break a sweat, reach your activity goals, and have a great time.

There are so many great well-being benefits to being active.

  • Boost in energy

  • Stress reduction

    We can't eliminate stress, some of it is good if it's pushing us to go the extra mile but we can reduce stress through exercise.

All 3 habits don't have to take a lot of time. Take a walk while you listen to a Bible Study. Stand while you study your industry thought leader's work.

They can even be done in the 1st hour of the day and set us up for a great day.

Taking control of our day makes a HUGE difference in mental health and well-being.

Seize the days!

Be blessed.

P.S. If you enjoy this article, please share it with your Faith&Biz bestie. I hope that this will spark more conversations around these faith and business principles that inspire more purpose-driven work.

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