"Imperfect action beats perfect inaction every time." ~ Harry S. Truman.
Let that sink in. You're steps ahead by just taking action.

The only way to learn in business is by doing. This has been supported by the many incredible guests we've had on the podcast.
Stop worrying about the opinion of a person who isn't taking any action in their own life. Every time we start something new there's a learning curve. Allow yourself to learn the game, and master the process. Become a savage student of the business.
After all as Jenny Toh says, "Unless you're doing heart surgery where the margin of error should be next to zero, it's doesn't need to be perfect." Embrace your journey. You're not an impostor!
To check out our full episode with Jenny:
P.S Jenny's recommendation for our Leaders Are Readers series:
"Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers