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Positioning Your Brand for Success In A Saturated Marketplace

In entrepreneurship, there’s an overwhelming amount of noise. How do you, as a Christian woman, ensure your message cuts through the clutter?

The classic business book Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind by Al Ries and Jack Trout provides a powerful framework for doing just that.

If you haven't read this book, it's a MUST for every business person; it's also one of our most popular Leaders Are Readers Series (LARS) podcast episodes; you can listen in here

Let’s break down how its timeless principles can help you position your business in a way that aligns with your faith while also standing out in a crowded marketplace.

What Is Positioning?

In simple terms, positioning is about claiming a unique space in the minds of your customers. It’s not just about what you sell, but how you’re perceived.

The authors Ries and Trout, argue that in a noisy world, people don’t want to be overwhelmed with information—they want clear, concise messages.

I talk to a lot of Christian entrepreneurs who tell me they're not sure how much of their faith to include in their marketing materials. Their fear is that perhaps it will put people off who otherwise might have wanted to work with them.

My take!

Not only are we called to be bold in our faith, but this gives us an advantage: we are in the age of the personal brand, values-based marketing, and authenticity over automation.

Really think about it. Do you agree with everything about the people whose services you purchase? Probably not. But do you appreciate knowing what they're about? It's all about connecting with the human behind the business.

Here’s the key—your faith is not a limitation; it’s your competitive edge. You're not just selling products or services. You’re inviting people into your space where you value hope, purpose, and transformation. That’s where positioning comes in.

Why Positioning Matters in a Faith-Driven Business

Let’s face it, there’s a world full of entrepreneurs out there. But what sets you apart is your unique perspective as a Christian woman.

When you position your brand, you're not just speaking to anyone—you’re speaking directly to people who resonate with your values and mission.

Here’s the counter-cultural truth: you don’t have to chase every customer.

Just as God has called you to a specific path, He’s also prepared the hearts of those who need your message. Your job? Speak directly to them.

In the book Positioning, Ries and Trout emphasise how focusing on a niche allows you to connect deeply with the right audience. By zeroing in on who you’re called to serve, you avoid blending in with the masses and instead create a clear identity in the market.

What is your name synonymous with?

It has to be that clear.

We think Christian business leadership = we think John C. Maxwell

We think Stoicism = we think Ryan Holiday

It's not easy; I struggled with this too, for a long time.

I was soft about it, lukewarm about the message and consequently, about the people I was called to serve. Can you relate?

There are real implications for not doing the work you're supposed to do.

My experience is that being a little bit about something means you're about nothing and blends right in with the noise of the masses.

The reality is that you have to step into that clarity and claim your space.

Practical Steps to Position Your Business

Now, I know you might be thinking, “That sounds great, but how do I actually apply this?” Let’s break it down with some actionable steps:

1.Define Your Unique Message:

What makes your business different? As a Christian entrepreneur, your faith and values are central. Think about how your faith influences your products or services and communicate that boldly.

Your audience isn’t just buying what you’re selling—they’re buying into the heart behind it.

2.Simplify Your Messaging:

The authors, Ries and Trout highlight that people are bombarded with information. When positioning your brand, focus on clarity over complexity.

Avoid jargon. Speak to the heart of what matters most to your ideal client—whether that’s freedom, empowerment, or a deeper connection with their own faith journey.

It has to be magnetic, appealing to your target audience. They don't just want it, they need it.

Whether it's being a leader that creates other leaders, or a stoic that has built himself up for the challenges of this world. It's a priority for your tribe.

Mine is simple:

Championing the success of Christian women entrepreneurs.

3. Find Your Niche:

Not everyone is your customer—and that’s okay! The more focused you are on serving a specific group, the more you build authority and credibility.

One of the most powerful aspects of positioning is that it allows you to communicate your WHY.

In Matthew 5:14, we are called to be the light of the world. Your business, when positioned with purpose, becomes a light that draws others in—clients, partners, and even other believers.

And let’s keep it real—running a business can be hard, even with faith at the forefront!

There will be mistakes, challenges, and days where you wonder, "Did I really hear God say to start this business?" (I’ve been there!)

The good news? Your authenticity is also part of your positioning.

Sharing your struggles shows your audience that you're relatable and that faith doesn’t mean perfection—it means perseverance.

As a Christian woman entrepreneur, positioning your business is about more than marketing—it’s about answering the call God has placed on your life.

Remember, you are uniquely positioned to make an impact, and with the right strategy, your ideal audience will hear your message loud and clear.

Stay encouraged!

Keep serving at the highest level.

More faith, more progress.

All the best in your endeavors,

P.S. If this article sparks some insights, please share them in the comments, you might just help a stranger you may never meet. Be blessed!


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