Selling felt awkward, pushy, and just not me. I flipped the script when I heard this...
These words changed EVERYTHING!
"The problem with the modern marketer is that they don't love selling." ~ Jay Abraham
Before I GOT this! I was going nowhere fast.
I needed to LOVE selling.
You can have the website, the content, the 5-star product/service ... and if you don't have this, you will be out of business before you know it.
On the other hand, if all you have is a love for selling, you can turn anything into gold.
All our marketing efforts will not help us achieve our business goals if we don't fall in love with selling, friends.
This is it!
The secret sauce of small business success.
3 C's To Breakthrough The "I don't want to be salesy mindset"
It all starts with a belief that you are willing to back with an attitude change and passion-driven action.
Selling is showcasing that you have what it takes to do the job.
It's a job interview where you don't have to pretend that you love the company and will trade your life for it -- when all you want is some job security (we've all done this! lol)
As a small business owner, you've done the work and taken the risk to create the job of your dreams where you serve the people you feel called to.
If your business has turned into a nightmare, go back to the drawing board. This is your creation.
Share your passion.
Explain why you are the right choice.
Expose your brilliance.
Display your competence.
Sow your SEED (I couldn't resist sharing an acronym for remembering your conviction)
Is your content selling you (if it's a personal brand), is it selling your expertise, is it selling your ideas ....?

The aim of selling is to create a buying opportunity.
There's an environment for buying
In a brick and mortar shop it's carefully crafted.
The candy is right there at the checkout in case you forgot how much you love Hershey's Kisses or that it's soon to be Mother's Day.
Sephora is designed to be a feast for your eyes if you love beauty products. When you're about to leave, you see the 50% off on your favourite items.
We should take all these proven sales techniques and bring them into our small businesses.
Send that email or text with your holiday special offers.
Post that story with your most popular offer and a discount code.
Place your irresistible offers right where they can be seen again and again.
Invite them into your community for some insider insights.
Give them a piece of "candy" to try for next to nothing, and let them come back for the whole bag.
Talk. To. People.
This is radical in the knowledge worker era we're living in. I've been there --hiding behind my computer, hoping someone buys my services.
They can't buy if they don't know you!
Let your community know you're in business - they might not need your services, but someone they know might.
Be specific; what do you do, and how does that help people?
How many times do we have no idea what our friends do for work or business?
How do you refer someone when you're not sure exactly what it is they do and for whom?
Then be intentional about meeting people -- associations, local business groups, online groups.
Always be connecting with old friends and meeting new people.
Business is all about relationships.
Don't put the horse before the cart.
Marketing matters. Branding matters. But selling?
That’s your lifeline.
Make selling a lifestyle with the 3 C's.
We can get all warm and fuzzy about serving clients and forget that we're in a battlefield (a.k.a marketplace) fighting for attention so that we can out-deliver our competition.
Like athletes, we aim for great sportsmanship, but we also aim to WIN over the hearts and minds of our clients.
And so we should roll up our feelings of fear, impostor syndrome, not being ready ....and realize that the survival of our small business depends on us SELLING.
Now that I've spilled the business dets, I have to speak directly to fellow Christian entrepreneurs -- because I am one.
The 4th man in the fire is always Christ. IYKYK
We’re not just in business for profit—we’re in business for purpose.
Operating in our divine gifting and entering the marketplace to create impact and influence for the Kingdom, it's not just business as usual; it's Kingdom work.
Remember this: When the disciples had been fishing all day and had nothing to show for it, Jesus showed up:
He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish." John 21 : 6
Yes, we apply all the strategy, skill, and wisdom we’ve gained, but let’s never underestimate the divine provision of God.
Obey His Word.
Walk in FAITH, with the ACTIONS to prove it.
Trust that when you do things His way, the results will follow.

P.S. I’m a business nerd who loves the Lord. I share entrepreneurship thoughts🧠 for a faith🙏🏾 & biz 💰 moment with our posts. If that interests you, visit my Facebook page
P.S.S. If you need a sales script to get you off to the races, here are 2 customisable sales letter templates designed to get you selling. Here's to less hustle, more fruit.