Have you ever been drawn in by a leader's charisma, been totally sold by their aura only to begin to question little things that seem a little "off" and then wonder how this could be?
Some actions look like leadership; most people don't talk about this, but it's not leadership.
If you've been at a job for a while, you've probably experienced this.
A charisma overload just to be totally confused by reality.
Coercion, whether subtle or outright.
Intimidation, whether explicit or implied.
Political smoke and mirrors where the hype is there, and they look and sound the part, but there's a misalignment.
Everything about it is self-serving.
Meeting my agenda. Achieveing my goals. Delivering my message. Making the impact I desire to make.
Does it sound too familiar? It should, for most of us.
This is what we have been taught about being an effective leader.
It's subtle and considered "a leadership approach" but is sneaky and dangerous, corrupting good leaders.
We set out on this journey being about the people we lead and, without notice, made a quick left turn to being all about us.
The cares of the world - protecting our name and image, propelling our career and business - displaced the heart of a leader driven by the desire to help bring about positive change.
We moved away from the purpose of leadership to being all about ME!
I believe most people set out to do good, and we just get lost somewhere along the way.
There must be a way to keep checking the north star of our leadership.
A way to stay on PURPOSE even as the roads of life twist, turn, re-route, and make us feel lost while we're on the right path.

The Bible provides the most excellent example of leadership that will ever live in the life of Jesus Christ.
What does authentic leadership look like?
Authentic leadership is contrary to the cultures of the world.
That's why even Peter, the disciple of Jesus, said, Lord, you can't wash my feet. His mindset had been shaped by culture and tradition -- Surely, the leader can't do this menial task. He's important, we should serve him, and he can do big and impactful things -- right?
In that moment, Jesus sets him straight on what leadership is.
🎯 Leadership is service.
"Peter said to Him, “You shall never wash my feet!”
Jesus answered him, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.”
Simon Peter said to Him, “Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and myhead!”
If I don't serve you, then I'm not your leader.
Think about that.
It blows my mind! 🤯
(Psssttt...Grab this FREE -Ebook ⬇️)
Everyone says they want to be a leader, but how many say they want to serve others?
I work with experts who desire to step into their role as thought leaders—people who have decided to step into their calling to serve.
It's not something to take lightly.
To endure criticism no matter what you do and yet continue in service.
To stand up while most refuse to stand for anything other than being opinionated about them, and yet continue in service.
If you're a leader and you're getting tired. Or if you know you're called to leadership in your space.
For the 1st group, I'd like to remind you of this, and for the 2nd group, I'd like to suggest this to you as your starting point.
Kathy Kasten of Lion Crest Leadership said it well,
🎯 "You've got to love the people you lead, or else you can't lead them."
LOVE is a complex and lifelong quest of learning patience and kindness, letting go of envy, boastfulness and arrogance, not being rude or only about 'your way or the highway', and being courageous in standing for the truth -- enduring all things.
📌Read 1 Corinthians 13
The fact that we need patience means that there will be times when our expectations are not being met.
The fact that we must exercise kindness means there will be some opportunities where our natural response is to be unkind.
The warnings against envy, boastfulness, and arrogance tell us that those feelings will try to rise up within us and take a permanent seat if we don't guard against them.
Enduring all these and standing on the truth is our mandate.
I recently listened to Stephanie Ike saying (I paraphrase): Surround yourself with people who love God more than they love you -- because those people will tell you when you are stepping outside of being obedient to God's Word even if it hurts your feelings and makes you upset.
Ain't that a word and a prayer for all leaders 🙏🏾!
What does it look like to walk in your power as an authentic leader?
It's a journey of pursuing a relationship with God, for God is love (1 John 4 : 8).
If we love God first, He will teach us how to love His people.

I applaud and celebrate all the leaders who stand up and endure what the calling requires to make a better home, school, work-life, business, community, and country --- people who strive to make an impact. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
We see you!
Continue to walk in purpose, service and love.
There are some powerful habits for Christian leaders - prayer, meditation on the Word, and fellowship.
Our habits create our lives.
Stay blessed.

P.S. If you love what we're serving here at the Faith & Biz Blog, please share with your biz bestie and have more conversations around these principles and ideas to bring more inspiration to your entrepreneurship journeys.
P.S.S. We talked about legacy leadership on The Lessons Of Entrepreneurship The Journey Of Reinvention podcast with Kathy Kasten of Lion Crest Leadership. If you'd like to have a small business leadership pow-wow with us, have a listen ⬇️