Imagine trying to grasp more opportunities with clenched fists. Discover how releasing what you hold can open doors to unexpected abundance.
Picture the tense muscles of a hand grip when you hold the things you possess too tightly.
We can be this way with the things that God has freely given us. The talents or natural abilities we have developed through experience and training.
We're not generous, so it becomes hard to receive generosity.
It's also impossible to take hold of anything more unless we release what we hold.
We have all these ideas and unique learnings that we never share with anyone.
We have these abilities that we never contribute to aiding others.
What does this have to do with business and entrepreneurship?
EVERYTHING!!! Zig had it right when he coined this phrase ⬇️

Amazon has created opportunities for other people to get rich through dropshipping and book publishing. The more people get rich through their e-commerce platform, the more they get rich.
Uber has provided the opportunity for drivers all over the world to make a living. The more Uber drivers succeed, the more they succeed.
Airbnb has provided the opportunity for homeowners to make some money. The more homeowners earn, the more Airbnb earns.
We don't have to be big companies to apply this same business abundance philosophy.
When we make sure our clients profit, we profit too.
When we make sure our vendors and service providers profit, we profit too.
When we give, we are open to receiving.
Think about it, even at the smallest level.
How hard is it to accept something from someone knowing that you would never do the same if you were in their position?
We want to prosper in all we do. Let's help other people become prosperous.
📌 Collaborate with people in your niche
📌Share free resources of your lessons learnt with fellow entrepreneurs
📌Become known as a connector in your circles
📌When you meet new people, think about how you can help them
This is the most profitable life & business model I have yet to come across.
Not only do you create value for others, but you also get to enjoy this entrepreneurship journey.
"In everything I showed you [by example] that by working hard in this way you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed [and brings greater joy] to give than to receive.’' ~ Acts 20 : 35
As new entrepreneurs, we might struggle with the idea of "giving away our best stuff"; we hold onto information and insights we know could help other people along their journeys.
But even from a positioning stance ...
How will people know you're an expert if you never share the good stuff with anyone?
Well, I know, put the good stuff behind a paywall. But even then, how do people decide to go behind the paywall if you never show them the "treasure"?
Whatever we think is good has the potential to be great, but the crazy thing about being great is that it can't happen in a vacuum.
It's impossible to become great in isolation.
You can undoubtedly be good with a certain aptitude and work ethic, but who wants to do all this just to be good.
We have to be open. Open to sharing our expertise. Learning from others how to elevate that expertise.
Needless to say, there's always a team behind greatness.
Initially, that team doesn't have to be on your payroll, truth be told, when we're bootstrapping, it's not an option. We can, however identify 3 groups of people:
📌 Someone who is great at what they do but hasn't yet blown up to be mainstream. Sit under this person's instruction, whether virtually, buying their programs, reading their books, listening to their podcast. Study this person. Start with the free stuff and execute on it, work your way to their paid offers applying the same diligence to execution. This person will help you leapfrog in a way that you can't even imagine in a short space of time.
🎯Goal: Watch how they conduct business and take those learnings to execute in your own business.
📌Identify a doers group that aligns with your values and beliefs where the people in that community have more of what you desire, whether that's tenacity, speed to execution, or insights and network. Beware of groups where it just seems like a lot of talking, but you do not see any real results. A lot of the right groups will be pay-to-play, but if you've done your due diligence, the ROI will be way more than you could have paid for.
🎯Goal: to develop yourself in a community of peers who are the next level up from you.
📌As Faith-driven entrepreneurs, spiritual growth is a priority. If none of the above groups meet this criteria of spiritual development, seek this out separately. The Bible is clear, "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul? Or what will a man give as an exchange for his soul?" Matthew 16 : 26
"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." ~ Jim Rohn
Choose your team wisely. Pray about it. Observe what they do, not merely what they say, before you engage any person.
"Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.” ~ 1 Corinthians 15: 33

What’s one thing you’re holding onto that you could share today?
How can you create a win-win situation in your business this week?
Be on the lookout for ways you can create business synergies i.e. (1+1= 3)
Be intentional about creating your team to greatness.
Stay blessed,

P.S. If you need pointers on building your dream team, watch this clip from Serial Entrepreneur & Author Arnaud Hennerville-Wedholm ⬇️