Daily habits for the Christian Entrepreneur
Morning routine: Begin with prayer and make a commitment to joy. Our joy is gratitude in action.
Choose to see the good in everything.
Choose to see the good in other people.
Choose to see the good in yourself.
Celebrate life.
What are you grateful for today?
Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” ~ Nehemiah 8: 10
Share your joy 😄 #Gratitude #Faith #Prayer #Joy #MorningRoutine #Habits #Perspective#Rejoice #Bible #ChristianEntrepreneurship

The Prayer of Jabez🙏🏾 This is a powerful prayer of expansion and enlargement. As we wait on the Lord to answer our prayers, we have to remember that expansion comes with more responsibility. As an act of faith, we have to get ready for what's coming. Prepare to receive. Faith is in the moving. It's in the getting ready. It's in the expectancy and the work to show that you're getting ready to receive.
How are you getting ready to receive what God has promised to those that love Him?

All the attributes that are necessary to succeed at anything are covered in Isaiah 40: 31 Strength, endurance, persistence, energy; and they all come from waiting on the Lord. Our school song in high school was based on Isaiah 40: 31, we sang it every week “teach me Lord, teach me Lord to wait”; without ever thinking about what it meant.
What does it mean to wait on the Lord?
I used to think it meant stop everything, but God doesn’t desire for us to just be sitting around doing nothing in the name of waiting. Faith without works is dead (James 2: 17). It means to be in expectation. Other bible versions use the word “hope” in place of “wait.” When we are waiting on someone, we know they’re coming, it’s just a matter of time. We wait patiently in anticipation that God’s purposes will be fulfilled. The state of waiting, of hoping, renews our energy. Gives us strength, endurance, persistence, and energy for our journey. #Succeed #Faith #RiseLikeTheEagle #WaitingOnTheLord #ItsGoingToBeGoodJustHoldOn

God has a great plan for you. That's not in question. Jeremiah 29: 11 assures us that no matter what we are facing, God has a plan to prosper us and not to destroy us. Everything will work out for our good.
The question is: Do you believe?
Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness. Though his body was old and failing, he believed that from him would come a nation with a people as numerous as the starts in the sky. Stop looking in the mirror and look at God. You might be the only one standing in your own way. #Faith #Believe #NothingIsImpossible #Vision #EntrepreneurMindset#FaithMovesMountains

LOOK👀 out for more mini devotionals in coming weeks. #WeekendDevotional #4DayDevotional #StayInFaith
Stay in Faith.
Stay encouraged 🌻🌻🌻
God is able 🙏🏾
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